Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock remnant piece

On a daily basis Jersey Fashion offers a wide variety of high quality fabric remnant pieces. Remnants are unique discounted pieces of fabric and can only be ordered by the piece. The offered fabric remnants are a random reflection of the fabric collection in our online fabric store. 

The range of fabric remnants includes knitted and stretchable fabrics; and woven and non-elastic fabrics.
The remnnant pieces are searchable in diverse length categories: 0-75 cm; 75-125 cm; 125-200 cm and 200 cm plus. For who dares, we also offer fabric remnant surprise packages.

Availability is limited to what is on hand at the moment. Be sure to regularly check back to this collection.

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289 - 325 of 325 results
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289 - 325 of 325 results

Fabric Remnants <75cm | Remnant pieces | End of stock piece

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock fabric remnant pieces | Fabric left-over pieces |Daily changing collection

Fabric Remnants 75-125cm | Remnant pieces | End of stock pieces

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock fabric remnant pieces | Fabric left-over pieces | Daily changing collection

Fabric Remnants 125-200cm | Remnant pieces | End of stock piece

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock fabric remnant pieces | Fabric left-over pieces |Daily changing collection

Fabric Remnants >200cm | Remnant pieces | End of stock piece

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock fabric remnant pieces | Fabric left-over pieces |Daily changing collection

Remnant pieces | Knitted | Stretch

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock pieces || Stretch fabrics | Elastic fabric remnants

Remnant pieces | Woven | Not stretchable

Fabric Remnants | Remnant pieces | End of stock pieces || Woven fabrics | Non elastic | Non stretch